The Bytewax platform is now avaliable on AWS Marketplace!

By Zander Matheson

2024 is off to a good start for Bytewax, marked by our feature-packed 0.18 release, exciting partnerships such as our Redpanda Collaboration, and engaging workshops.

Our community is building exciting things with Bytewax!

It is really exciting to see the growth of our community and the diversity of projects using Bytewax. Being at the heart of this open-source journey allows us to witness the ingenuity of the talented engineers in our community across the world.

We couldn’t be more excited when looking at the use cases our community is using Bytewax for:

  • 🚀 Aerospace: Enhancing space security with digital signal processing running on Bytewax.
  • 📦 Logistics: Enabling shipping operations with edge computing on Bytewax.
  • ⚡ Energy: Startups redefining the sector with innovative Bytewax applications.
  • 🤖 Machine Learning: Transitioning from Flink, Bytewax now fuels advanced ML initiatives.
  • 💰 Finance: Expanding AI and ML capabilities through the power of Bytewax
  • 📱 Teleco: Transforming real-time user analytics with Bytewax.

...and this is just the beginning!

Get even more out of Bytewax with the Platform!

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Following feedback from our community and requests from power users, we created the Bytewax Platform — a self-hosted solution tailored for securely building, deploying, and scaling Bytewax workloads. Recently we shipped the new dataflow API that enables programmatic management (deployment, scaling, deleting, etc.) of dataflows.

Key features of the platform include:

  • Management Dashboard,
  • OpenID Connect,
  • Multi-node Deployment,
  • Cloud Backup,
  • Rescaling.

And so much more! Learn all about the platform here.

By leveraging Kubernetes, the Bytewax Platform offers a seamless cloud-native experience.

Deploying Bytewax in your cloud environment is easier than ever with our launch in cloud marketplaces, starting with AWS available now!

Accessible on AWS!

Get your hands on Bytewax today via the AWS marketplace, compatible with EKS or EKS anywhere. We’ve tested it running on as small as a t2 medium VM (2vCPUs 4Gb Ram) on k3s!


Apply for our Startup Program!

We're dedicated to making stream processing technology more accessible for innovative startups.

The Bytewax Startup Program is crafted to give startups with innovative use cases access to the complete Bytewax platform experience under preferential conditions.

With only a limited number of spots in our inaugural cohort, participants will benefit from personalized training by Bytewax experts, dedicated support, and early access to future updates and premium connectors. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity —>

Apply now to join the Bytewax Startup Program!

Tell Us What You Think

We're eager to hear your thoughts and feedback on our platform. If you’re looking to find Bytewax in other cloud marketplaces, let us know at

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Zander Matheson

Zander Matheson

CEO, Founder
Zander is a seasoned data engineer who has founded and currently helms Bytewax. Zander has worked in the data space since 2014 at Heroku, GitHub, and an NLP startup. Before that, he attended business school at the UT Austin and HEC Paris in Europe.
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