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Start building streaming
data applications
 today. In Python.

Open source framework and distributed stream processing engine. Build streaming data pipelines and real-time apps with everything you need: recovery, scalability, windowing, aggregations, and connectors.

Quick start

First steps to explore
Bytewax features

How it works

Build streaming data applications easily. In Python.

Step 1Easy install
> pip install bytewax
Step 2Connect to data sources
from bytewax import operators as op
from bytewax.connectors.kafka import operators as kop
from bytewax.dataflow import Dataflow

BROKERS = ["localhost:19092"]
IN_TOPICS = ["in_topic"]
OUT_TOPIC = "out_topic"

flow = Dataflow("kafka_in_out")
kinp = kop.input("inp", flow, brokers=BROKERS, topics=IN_TOPICS)
op.inspect("inspect-errors", kinp.errs)
op.inspect("inspect-oks", kinp.oks)
kop.output("out1", kinp.oks, brokers=BROKERS, topic=OUT_TOPIC)
Step 3Stateful operations like windowing and aggregations
from datetime import timedelta
import numpy as np
from bytewax.operators import window as window_op
from bytewax.operators.window import TumblingWindow, SystemClockConfig

cc = SystemClockConfig()
wc = TumblingWindow(length=timedelta(seconds=1))

def build_array():
    return np.empty(0)

def insert_value(np_array, value):
    return np.insert(np_array, 0, value)

windowed_stream = wop.fold_window("window", stream, cc, wc, build_array, insert_value)
Step 4Use the Python tools you are familiar with
import numpy as np

avg_stream ="average", windowed_stream, lambda x: np.mean(x[1]))
Step 5Run locally
> python -m my_dataflow:flow
Step 6Deploy anywhere
> waxctl df deploy

Unite batch and stream processing with stateful streaming


Apply a function to each element in the data stream


Each item can be transformed into zero or more elements


Keep only elements that match a condition


Pass each element through and allows side effects


Transforms each item in a window into a new item


Inspect, but for windowed operations


Aggregate elements using a reducer function


Combine elements from two streams based on a key


Maintains state between elements, allowing for more complex transformations.


Allows initialization, state update, and result computation


Group elements into windows based on time or count, maintaining state for each

Custom Operators

Define your own operators based on your own semantic (e.g. interval joins)


Learn how to build real-time data apps with Bytewax

At the end of this tutorial you will understand how to use Bytewax to analyze financial exchange data. You will learn to establish connections to a WebSocket for real-time data, use Bytewax's operators to efficiently manage an order book, and apply analytical techniques to assess trading opportunities based on the dynamics of buy and sell orders.
15-30 min
You'll be able to handle and structure data streams into snapshots using Bytewax, and then analyze them with ydata-profiling to create a comprehensive report of data characteristics for each device at each time interval.
15-30 min
Bytewax can be used out-of-the box with any python library
Easy integrations

Leverage the Python Ecosystem

Bytewax can be used out-of-the box with any python library to connect to hundreds of data sources and use the entire ecosystem of data processing libraries.


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