
Take Bytewax to the next Level with the Bytewax Platform

The Bytewax Platform turbocharges your open source Bytewax workloads by adding disaster readiness, management API, management dashboard, authentication and more.

Empower Your Real-time Data Processing:
Discover our Platform Tiers

We offer customized solutions to supercharge your real-time data workflows with advanced enterprise features and personalized support for Community, Startup and Enterprise users.


Application Management

Connect to a wide range of data sources and sinks with our connectors

Community Connectors
Management Dashboard

Manage and observe your team's dataflows

Dataflow Management API

Embed Bytewax in your products with a comprehensive API to manage dataflows.

Security & Operations
Kubernetes Multi-node Deployment

Set up a distributed system across multiple nodes

Deployment Tooling - waxctl

Command line tool for managing dataflows


Maintain system reliability with tracing, monitoring, and alerting

OpenID Connect

Simple & secure user authentication

Cloud Backup

Recover dataflows without data loss from backup for disaster recovery and cluster migration.

Role-based Access Control

Set precise access controls


Get help from our experts

Public Slack

Level up your team's capabilities


Get up to speed with the platform


White-label the platform with your branding


Application Management

Connect to a wide range of data sources and sinks with our connectors

+ up to 2 Premium Connectors
Management Dashboard

Manage and observe your team's dataflows

Dataflow Management API

Embed Bytewax in your products with a comprehensive API to manage dataflows.

Security & Operations
Kubernetes Multi-node Deployment

Set up a distributed system across multiple nodes

Up to 3 nodes
Deployment Tooling - waxctl

Command line tool for managing dataflows


Maintain system reliability with tracing, monitoring, and alerting

OpenID Connect

Simple & secure user authentication

Cloud Backup

Recover dataflows without data loss from backup for disaster recovery and cluster migration.

Role-based Access Control

Set precise access controls


Get help from our experts

Private Slack

Level up your team's capabilities


Get up to speed with the platform


White-label the platform with your branding


Application Management

Connect to a wide range of data sources and sinks with our connectors

+ up to 5 Premium Connectors
Management Dashboard

Manage and observe your team's dataflows

Dataflow Management API

Embed Bytewax in your products with a comprehensive API to manage dataflows.

Security & Operations
Kubernetes Multi-node Deployment

Set up a distributed system across multiple nodes

Unlimited nodes
Deployment Tooling - waxctl

Command line tool for managing dataflows


Maintain system reliability with tracing, monitoring, and alerting

OpenID Connect

Simple & secure user authentication

Cloud Backup

Recover dataflows without data loss from backup for disaster recovery and cluster migration.

Role-based Access Control

Set precise access controls


Get help from our experts

Enterprise Support

Level up your team's capabilities


Get up to speed with the platform


White-label the platform with your branding

Key Platform Features

The Bytewax Platform enhances open source streaming with enterprise features

Embed Bytewax into your products with our programmatic dataflow management API
Get access to Premium Connectors that connect to a wide range of data sources and sinks
Scale seamlessly using multi-node scaling with zero-data-loss
Improve observability with tracing, monitoring, & alerting to quickly identify and solve issues
Collaborate, manage and debug dataflows in the Management Dashboard with an intuitive UI
Increase resiliency with Cloud Backup, OpenID Connect, and RBAC
Use all of our beloved open source community features such as stateful operators, recovery, joins, branching, multiple workers, process and thread-based parallelism, re-scaling, and tracing.
Open source
Use all of our beloved open source community features such as stateful operators, recovery, joins, branching, multiple workers, process and thread-based parallelism, re-scaling, and tracing.
Application Management

Streamline your dataflow management
with the Platform's comprehensive management features

Management Dashboard

The Management Dashboard offers a collaborative, user-friendly environment for the management and debugging of dataflows

Premium Connectors

As part of the platform you get access to our premium connectors that allow you to connect to even more data sources and sinks

Cloud-Backup & Larger than Memory State

Cloud backup ensures disaster recovery to recover stream in case of system failures or data loss incidents

Dataflow Management API

API for managing dataflows programmatically, allowing easy Bytewax integration into your current products or platforms

Bytewax Platform UI Dashboard

Embrace modern development practices
and accelerate your time to production

DevOps diagram

Familiar Language and Tools

Python-based framework facilitates faster development for Python developers, unlike the Java/Scala-centric Flink and Spark.

Ease of Deployment and Maintenance

Simpler deployment process, aligning well with the continuous deployment cycle central to DevOps.

Rapid Prototyping and Iteration

The Python-centric approach enables quicker development and testing cycles compared to the slower iteration with Flink and Spark.

Flexibility and Scalability

Immediate scalability and adaptability for various workloads.

Integration with Modern Tools and Practices

Easily integrates with DevOps toolchain - git, Docker, and Kubernetes, crucial for efficient software delivery in DevOps environments.

Monitoring and Observability

Compatible with popular Python and cloud-native monitoring tools enhances observability, vital for quick troubleshooting in DevOps.

Security Features

Get access to a comprehensive suite of features to protect your real-time data

Open Source
Your Security Environment

Run bytewax in any environment with your security - even air-gapped

Open-source Transparency

Anyone can inspect the code and identify and rectify security vulnerabilities

OpenID Authentication

Securely authenticate with OpenID Connect integration

Audit Log

Compliance features to meet your requirements

Role-based Access Control (RBAC)

Granular access control using RBAC policies